I aint God.....Yet

These are the ranting and dialogues of a high-strung, neurotic and semi-off-the-wall Historian and Educator. As a Virginian/Arizonan I strive to corrupt America’s youth by making them free thinking heathens and demigods. Here, you will hear the omnipresent, benevolent and omnipotent Viceroy Barbarossa. You will be enlightened or maybe just a little annoyed by his discourses on war, education, religion and the debauchery that is American politics.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Doubting another Thomas…..
I aint God…..Yet this is even though I wish to high heaven that I were the Supreme Being and could always know the truth. Today a series of events made me question my life and my quest for love. Work is chaos and I thrive in the regimented order that is my holy dominion. A great many number, of rumors and anguishing tails are circulating at this Penal Colonies water cooler. Some that shall never be spoken of and others that just make you laugh or have that full body shiver. But, alas my own personal life, that’s right his holiness is having strife and beleaguered thoughts. But, who would have believed that doubts when discussed with the one you love, admire and am passionate about will disappear into oblivion? I apparently, your most wise and yet foolish Father Rasputin knew that only by dealing with an issue can it be resolved. Yes, I have “issues” too especially of late. I have always had faith in three things and lately these doubts, questions and fears have only strengthened that faith in all three. One of these being that the Great Maker has answered my wishes and prayers with a most wonderful gift, the greatest in my lifetime anyway. Perhaps one day all questions and doubts will be torn asunder by our love and respect for one another. One holy text says that the meek shall inherit the Earth, but only when I am done with her. For my world is a vast and wondrous place. I will only give it up when the last breath, of the last man, has been spent. Finally, my love for this women and her love for me will never lead us on the road to damnation.


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