I aint God.....Yet

These are the ranting and dialogues of a high-strung, neurotic and semi-off-the-wall Historian and Educator. As a Virginian/Arizonan I strive to corrupt America’s youth by making them free thinking heathens and demigods. Here, you will hear the omnipresent, benevolent and omnipotent Viceroy Barbarossa. You will be enlightened or maybe just a little annoyed by his discourses on war, education, religion and the debauchery that is American politics.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Why?? I just do not understand.............. What is a teacher to do when his administration one days blames the teachers for the schools problems. Then on the next he blames the parents. Both times he does this in front of both parties. I have a major problem with idots in power but I guess that this is the new America. Our land of the free and home of the brave is nothing more than the land of the beer drinking, pot smokeing, mental defective morons. God, why did you make America, if you were going to turn this nation into a fuckup? Please help us and bring unto this nation honesty and a leader who is not a twit.


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