I aint God.....Yet

These are the ranting and dialogues of a high-strung, neurotic and semi-off-the-wall Historian and Educator. As a Virginian/Arizonan I strive to corrupt America’s youth by making them free thinking heathens and demigods. Here, you will hear the omnipresent, benevolent and omnipotent Viceroy Barbarossa. You will be enlightened or maybe just a little annoyed by his discourses on war, education, religion and the debauchery that is American politics.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Christians should be DEMOCRATS

Topic: Tom Delay

Another of Bush's butt kissing bimbos. As is typical for modern American Politics, our losers oh I mean leaders are making asses of themselves yet again. The Washington Post and the New York Times have reported on yet another Washington scandal. This one involving Republican Majority Leader Rep. Tom DeLay. According to these sources, DeLay paid his wife and daughter more than $500,000 of his political donors' money over the last few years. In addition to this they report about a slightly less than ethical 1997 trip DeLay took to the Bahamas that was paid for by a Russian business interest. Furthermore this distinguished gentlemen chose to grandstand during the Terri Schiavo tragedy. I and a great majority of my people in this country feel this was both political convenience and opportunism. The straw that broke the camel's back for me your holy leader was the simple fact that some Republicans in Congress are speaking out against DeLay's action, but most are afraid of his Right-Wing power network of corporate and bible belt donors. We need to show all of Congress, both Republicans and Democrats, that if they stand up to Tom DeLay we've got their back. America can only grow into the nation that we dream of when the people take a stance against the tsunami of nuts jobs that put the FUN in Christian fundamentalism.

Republican Leader Tom Delay's "dirty dozen" scandals :

  1. Delay raises corporate cash for TRMPAC.
  2. Delay bribes congressman to vote for medicare.
  3. Delay uses taxpayer money for partisan stunt.
  4. Delay pays for golf tournaments with cash meant for kids.
  5. Delay promises 'seat at table' for donor.
  6. Delay takes money from texas prison company with legislation pending.
  7. Delay blocks legislation for partisan vendetta.
  8. Delay takes shady donations for legal defense fund.
  9. Delay leaves ethics behind on european vacation.
  10. Delay leaves house rules behind on asian vacation.
  11. Delay kicks ethics out of House of Representatives.
  12. Delay tries to change rules to protect power.


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