I aint God.....Yet

These are the ranting and dialogues of a high-strung, neurotic and semi-off-the-wall Historian and Educator. As a Virginian/Arizonan I strive to corrupt America’s youth by making them free thinking heathens and demigods. Here, you will hear the omnipresent, benevolent and omnipotent Viceroy Barbarossa. You will be enlightened or maybe just a little annoyed by his discourses on war, education, religion and the debauchery that is American politics.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Doubting another Thomas…..
I aint God…..Yet this is even though I wish to high heaven that I were the Supreme Being and could always know the truth. Today a series of events made me question my life and my quest for love. Work is chaos and I thrive in the regimented order that is my holy dominion. A great many number, of rumors and anguishing tails are circulating at this Penal Colonies water cooler. Some that shall never be spoken of and others that just make you laugh or have that full body shiver. But, alas my own personal life, that’s right his holiness is having strife and beleaguered thoughts. But, who would have believed that doubts when discussed with the one you love, admire and am passionate about will disappear into oblivion? I apparently, your most wise and yet foolish Father Rasputin knew that only by dealing with an issue can it be resolved. Yes, I have “issues” too especially of late. I have always had faith in three things and lately these doubts, questions and fears have only strengthened that faith in all three. One of these being that the Great Maker has answered my wishes and prayers with a most wonderful gift, the greatest in my lifetime anyway. Perhaps one day all questions and doubts will be torn asunder by our love and respect for one another. One holy text says that the meek shall inherit the Earth, but only when I am done with her. For my world is a vast and wondrous place. I will only give it up when the last breath, of the last man, has been spent. Finally, my love for this women and her love for me will never lead us on the road to damnation.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The Nature of Godhood
Ok, I am the new guy and I have to say that this Father what’s his face is so high strung that its nuts. If he aint god who is? I know it’s the dude how say yo I have an idea lets open a coffee shop and call it Starbucks. Yeah, that guy is my best bud and friend, even if his girlfriend is a bit overbearing and controlling. Furthermore, she has "issues" with multi-pieced items. Goodnight and whatever god you like bless ya.

Ok another one.....
I aint God…Yet and today I know it. My noble and most beleaguered self was blessed with a new student in my first hour. This young lady we shall call only JR. JR is a good kid, but I need fewer students not more. It seems that as soon as I get rid of a drunken reprobate, I am given another. I am consistently adding little hellions to my legions of dawn of the dead zombies. Now, I am not bitter or upset by the addition of this wonderful and fun young lady into my class, what has my dander up is my administration. Some, not all of my esteemed leadership here at the Maricopa County Penal Academy are micromanaging, unsupportive schmucks that care only for perceptions not education. I am a proud if not a happy plebeian in this institution, but the leadership’s failures of late to communicate and cooperate with the staff is disheartening and confusing. In addition to the higher-ups lacking the common sense that the current divinity gave the dog, they are over compensating on other fronts. One of these being that your humble and oh so celibate Father Rasputin cannot be in the same room alone with the woman that he loves and plans to marry. Oh, the pain that is my life in this insane asylum, no wait an asylum would be a bit more organized and well administered. I aint God.....Yet, and until I am the leaders of this Penal Colony will lead us on the road to damnation.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I aint God.....Yet

I aint God.....Yet and as a student of history it is a conundrum that all of my students were even allowed to breath free air. In the days of old if a child was unruly or beyond the realm of human decency the family would for the good of the community smite the little devil child. But, these are the old and dark days of human history and we must be a kinder and gentler society. The problem with this is obvious, everyone and every kid is an exception to the rule. John has this and Maggie has that and the higher ups and we teachers too must live with these mundane accommodations and modifications. This is because little Sue's got issues and we all have to work together to make her life more manageable and less stressful. Yeah, tell that to your boss when you’re late for the fifth day straight as he is kicking her little behind out the door. Oh, the word issues, has now fallen onto the list of words that George Carlin has coined. This is due to the fact that every kid has issues. I love my students, do not get me wrong, but the little Visigoths need to wake up and smell the manure that is their vocabulary, dress and way of life. Issues are a farce and blight on humanity; I have had a hard life, but have and am still playing the cards that the current God gave me. So, here we are in a nation where supposedly all men (people) are created equally (if not under god, then by some other freak of nature) yet all of our children are different and deserve if not some times perverse. So, treat them all the same, an accommodation or exemption and when all else fails a blind eye do generation what? no good at all. I aint God.....Yet, but when I am students will all be equal the rules must be absolute, for when you make an exception the precedent is made and the road to damnation is taken.