I aint God.....Yet

These are the ranting and dialogues of a high-strung, neurotic and semi-off-the-wall Historian and Educator. As a Virginian/Arizonan I strive to corrupt America’s youth by making them free thinking heathens and demigods. Here, you will hear the omnipresent, benevolent and omnipotent Viceroy Barbarossa. You will be enlightened or maybe just a little annoyed by his discourses on war, education, religion and the debauchery that is American politics.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Now and Tomorrow.....
I aint God…..Yet and I know that I have not written lately and you have my most sincere apology. I have been very busy planning a wedding and buying a house. The wedding has been confirmed for the 20th of November in the year of me 2004. With the one that I love I have no fear of the road to damnation.


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