I aint God.....Yet

These are the ranting and dialogues of a high-strung, neurotic and semi-off-the-wall Historian and Educator. As a Virginian/Arizonan I strive to corrupt America’s youth by making them free thinking heathens and demigods. Here, you will hear the omnipresent, benevolent and omnipotent Viceroy Barbarossa. You will be enlightened or maybe just a little annoyed by his discourses on war, education, religion and the debauchery that is American politics.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Vote for America
Even if a President Kerry were to end up being no better or worse than President Bush, he will be different. He will bring a different style, a different world view, and a different set of skills to the job. He will bring a fresh perspective and -- let's face it -- the relief from being constantly stressed out by our own government's bullying that we and the rest of the world desperately need. While this may seem like stating the obvious, consider for a moment the nearly hypnotic, mind-numbing "terrorist...terrorist...terrorist" focus of the Bush administration's past three years. This "one track" thinking -- combined with a narrow, ideology-driven approach to problems and a dangerously polarizing, black and white division of our nation and the world into "good versus evil" -- has severely limited the solutions our leaders consider when facing challenges in the world. As just one example, the Bush administration has almost exclusively pursued military intervention and rejected cooperative diplomacy as a way of being in the world.
There is one, simple, essentially non-partisan and patriotic reason to vote John Kerry for President on Tuesday: he will do things differently than President Bush. There are indeed limits to the amount of constant anxiety and fear that we as a people can take. I don't want to have to find out whether or not we can handle another four years of George Bush. Neither do you. It's scary enough to admit that it's an open question. Vote for a change in the approach of American leadership this coming Tuesday. Vote for John Kerry for President and give yourself, your fellow
Americans, and the rest of the world a much needed break. Make your vote... make a difference!


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